
Art School looks a little different this year, but not at Visual Arts Passage

Visual Arts Passage will look the same this Fall. Our hope since day one has been to create a thriving community of mentors and artists online. We’re ready to fill in the gaps that other institutions leave out. By focusing on real-world skills illustrators and concept artists need to succeed, we’re here to guide you through creating a complete portfolio.

Image: Jacqui Oakley, Guest Speaker Fall 2020

Image: Jacqui Oakley, Guest Speaker Fall 2020

Learning online means that you don’t have to put your dreams on hold. Flexibility is key to your success. Our live and interactive classes are always recorded for you to view at your convenience. The message boards are always open to post an image of your work-in-progress, letting fellow students and your instructors provide instant feedback. There are no hoops to jump through, just information and connections at your fingertips. We love this method of learning because it means you have the flexibility to create and accomplish your goals on your timeline.

We live in a world of multitasking and side hustles. Traditional art school comes packaged with classes and prerequisites which don’t always focus on what it takes to make it in the arts industries. We make sure that our instructors are preparing you for the real world beyond art school. We embrace your knack for self-motivation and direct you on a path towards a career, not a piece of paper.

Image: Steven Walker, Guest Speaker Fall 2020

Image: Steven Walker, Guest Speaker Fall 2020

Let’s talk about your goals. Do you want to learn from working artists? Make meaningful connections with industry professionals? What about cultivating a concept or character you have in your head into a fully fleshed presentation? Every one of our instructors and mentors has led students through each of these goals. We custom tailor your education to fit your process. When you’re ready, we will make sure you leave with a network full of artists and industry leaders to continue your journey.

We’re ready to personalize every stage of your learning journey. Begin with a free portfolio review with one of our instructors. You will have the opportunity to discuss your goals with an artist who has a deep understanding of what it takes to successfully navigate the arts industries.

Image: Raymond Bonilla

Image: Raymond Bonilla

This is the new normal. We have seen the benefits of operating online and learning online since our beginning. Allowing artists from all over the world to join classes, share information, and learn from each other makes for a diverse and innovative environment. Sometimes the community built within each of our online classrooms is more powerful than a lecture. We begin collaborating effectively when we have the opportunity, and learning online is the easiest way to do that!

Adapting to the current industry standards is an essential skill. The trajectory of design, gaming studios, and creative publications includes working and collaborating effectively online. We embrace this at Visual Arts Passage with open arms and have developed systems that mirror communication tools used by many of the biggest employers of illustrators and concept artists. Sometimes the most intuitive solutions are the hardest for higher learning institutions to adopt.

After working with artists from every industry, we’ve realized that the most important skills are always shared between peers. Creating a mentorship program that is centered around tools, tips, and tricks that make an impact on your career started with gathering a community of instructors who are actively working and creating at the top of their field. You’re partnered with these top tier artists because learning should not have barriers. Industry secrets aren’t just for the industry.

Illustration artists and concept designers benefit from open collaboration and communication. Visual Arts Passage’s unique access to information makes collaboration and communication even more accessible. Our instructors will take the time to make sure every project or assignment is custom-tailored to fit your own goals. This isn’t a one size fits all program- with 24/7 access to lectures and demonstrations, you’re able to work at your own pace.

Image: Katherine Lam, Guest Speaker Fall 2020

Image: Katherine Lam, Guest Speaker Fall 2020

The art world doesn’t stop adapting and changing, neither should art education. We’re ready for what’s next because our program is built on relevance. Our instructors are consistently providing context for lessons through their own real-world experience. Classes don’t revolve around a predetermined syllabus that someone developed ten years ago, they are constantly adapting to the art and design industry.

Are you ready to push your portfolio to new heights? Are you looking for a community where you can plan ahead with peers, learn from industry pros, and strengthen your artistic practice with the help of one-on-one mentorship? Now is the perfect time to reflect and reevaluate your priorities. With the help of our Program Director, John English, sit down for a virtual portfolio review at your convenience and begin planning your own mentorship.

Artwork by Concept Artist and Visual Arts Passage guest Speaker, Tyler Jacobson

Artwork by Concept Artist and Visual Arts Passage guest Speaker, Tyler Jacobson

EarlyBird Enrollment Opens August 9