Free Event · Every Thursday at 4pm PT (7pm ET)

An Art Podcast about Drawing & Painting

Ask questions, learn about art history, industry insights, all while practicing your drawing skills with pros

Next Episode:

Ep. 243 Even Weirder Animals

The show starts at 4pm PT (7pm ET).  We dedicate 20+ minutes to drawing each image. Can’t find your registration link? Sign up again here.

Every Thursday @ 4pm PT (7pm ET)

2 Hours, Join at any time.

Digital or Traditional

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This isn’t art school. This is your art career strapped to a rocket.

In addition to sponsoring Drawing Hive, Visual Arts Passage offers art mentorship courses,  taught by industry leading artists. Our online courses and thriving community help you sharpen skills, craft, and map out your art career.

Courses Now Enrolling

Frequently Asked Questions

We started Illustration Isolation in 2020 during the start of the pandemic to give our art community something to rally behind while we were all holed up in our homes.

A lot has changed since then and we never thought our community would grow to what it is today.

We decided to change the name to something that is more in the spirit of the energy our community brings together every Thursday, so we chose 'Drawing Hive'.

You can view the photo reference here. It changes every week and is updated 1 to 2 hours before the livestream.

All users must register in advance to attend the livestream webinar, hosted using Zoom. If you haven't registered, you can do so here.

That's ok! You can re-register here and we will send you a new link.

The livestream is every Thursday at 4pm PT (7pm ET). If you miss the livestream, you can catch almost all of our episodes on-demand on Youtube. Subscribe to our channel here. 

Participant's do NOT have audio or video capabilities. As a participant you are invited to use the chat, ask questions, and most importantly, share your drawings with us on Instagram before the end of the show.

Drawing Hive is part podcast, part classroom, and part workshop. Each episode we invite a handful of our favorite artists to chat with us about their lives, careers, and sometimes just their favorite documentary they just watched. Our favorite part of Illustration Isolation is answering audience questions about the tools of the trade, industry insights, and sharing career wisdom.

Drawing Hive is all ages-friendly and invites artists of all skill levels to join and draw along. Whether you are a total beginner, just getting started with drawing, or a working professional illustrator, you're welcome to join in the fun and share your work with us.

Want to connect?

We can help you with any questions related to enrollment, portfolio development, and the student experience.

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